Which features are supported by FineCount?
Here you can find the features supported by FineCount text analysis software:
FineCount features and analyses documents in many different formats:
- Exporting of the text enables you to obtain good statistics and export all the text from different files.
- Metadata management of documents such as deleting unwanted metadata from batches of files in one go.
- Site grabber – a web page text counting device allows you to analyse text on different pages and extract it from the web.
- Support of Unicode in all formats.
- Correct analysis of hiragana, katakana, hieroglyphs and other special alphabets with the exception of Chinese characters.
- Text analysis from the clipboard.
- File statistics allow thorough analysis of files including characters, spaces, words, lines, pages and repetitions.
- Invoices and reports give you the possibility to generate analysis data and send it to your clients.
- Batch file analysis included.
- Access network files and analyse them in batches.